August 24, 1995 | There's a scene about two-thirds of the way through Robert Rodriguez's Desperado where the stylish villain of the piece, a white-suited drug lord named Bucho (Joaquim de Almeida),…
February 7, 2003 | Imagine The Taming of the Shrew reconfigured as a UPN sitcom, and you’ll be prepared for Deliver Us from Eva, a lightweight romantic comedy that works best…
July 28, 1999 | If you can see only one movie this summer about giant sharks with genetically re-engineered brains -- make sure it's Deep Blue Sea. Of course, you…
January 25, 1996 | Given the long and not always glorious tradition of death-row melodramas, not to mention the unabashed and frequently expressed liberalism of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon,…
May 27, 2004 | Los Angeles has been razed by multiple tornadoes. New Delhi has been blanketed with a phenomenal snowfall. Tokyo has been pummeled by hailstones that David Letterman…
January 24, 2003 | Just about every cheap trick in the Scary Movie Playbook is used at some point in Darkness Falls, a horror thriller that reconfigures the legendarily generous Tooth…
February 21, 2003 | Largely because so many things go wrong - stunningly, breathtakingly wrong - throughout so much of Dark Blue, the movie winds up being, somewhat like a…
February 14, 2003 | In the alternative universe of comic-book movies, there are limits to how much realism we seek or desire. Very few of us would be thrilled to see Batman…
January 12, 2001| The makers of Antitrust do such a delightfully nasty job of demonizing Bill Gates that, when the closing credits started to roll, I half-expected to read: "A…
June 1, 2001 | If you've seen the trailer, you know the pitch: A nebbishy would-be cop (Rob Schneider) gains superhuman abilities after receiving transplanted body parts from various domesticated…